To keep your employees fit for work and free from injury, it’s important that you do everything in your power to ensure that you’re providing them in a safe workplace environment. And while there are rules and regulations given by the government that can help you ensure you’re doing your part, there are also other ways you can instruct your company and influence that culture to make your business an image of public safety. To show you how, here are three ways to make your workplace safer for your employees and customers.

Create Plans of Action

Your best chance at successfully handling an unsafe situation when it occurs is to have a plan in place. If you’re not prepared with a plan of action for various potential threats, you may find that you and your employees and customers don’t handle the situation as well as you could have. To do this, Mark Sanborn, a contributor to, recommends that you create multiple plans of action for all types of situations and that you then run drills for these situations. By doing this, you’ll be able to see where your plans will work and where you still may have room for improvement for if and when the real situation should arise.

Take Safety Reports Seriously

While it’s not great to get unwanted criticism or feedback about how you could improve as a business owner or manager, it’s important that you’re open to hearing from your employees or customers about how you could make your workplace safer. George N. Root III, a contributor to Chron Small Business, suggests that you make a safety reporting process part of your communication with your employees and customers and allow them to help shine a light on areas that might need some help. This can be a great benefit if you’re willing to listen and take their reports and suggestions seriously.

Put Up Informative Signage

When you’re aware of a potential danger but don’t yet have the tools or expertise for how to properly address this issue, Tom Reddon, a contributor to, shares that the best thing you can do is put up informative signage that lets those in the area know of the danger. This may include placing a caution sign over a wet area so people walking by don’t slip and fall. Additionally, this may be reminders for employees and customers to wash their hands. By using this simple signage, you can help to create a culture of health and safety that everyone will soon be following without a second thought.

If you’re looking for ways to keep your employees and customers safer, consider using the tips mentioned here today.


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Hi Im Eddie. Ive been working in finance for most of my life so I thought I would start to show some or my learnings. Hope you find it useful. I have dogs too and cats. When Im not feed them Im running.