If you’re a small business owner trying to grow your business as much as possible, you probably choose to keep certain areas of your business as lean as you can. This likely includes having minimal staff to have to pay and keep track of. But if you have a time of year where business is booming, hiring seasonal help can really be beneficial. However, figuring out the best way to recruit and manage these seasonal employees can be a bit of a headache if you’re not prepared. So to help you get through your busy seasons without too much additional stress, here are three tips for recruiting and managing seasonal employees.
Keep It Legal
Although seasonal employees aren’t generally given the same benefits as your full-time employees, there are still certain steps you have to take in order for you to be following the law regarding your seasonal employees. According to Jennifer Post, a contributor to Business News Daily, some of the laws you’ll want to make sure you’re compliant with are regarding workers’ compensation and unemployment benefits, as well as following the appropriate tax laws. You should work with a lawyer or other human resources professional in your state to make sure you understand the laws and are following them correctly.
Tap Into Your Current Employees for Referrals
When looking to hire seasonal employees, it can be challenging to find those who are willing to work long and hard hours for just a very short period of time. To make this quest easier on you at this already busy time for your business, Chris Rush, a contributor to Entrepreneur.com, suggests tapping into your full-time employees to see if they can give you any referrals. Because they already know your company, they may be able to think of people who would naturally be a great fit and could make your busy season much easier to manage.
Consider Using An Employment or Staffing Agency
One of the best solutions to hiring a few seasonal employees is to use a staffing agency. This is because the hiring process can be very time and labor intensive so you may not want to go through that entire ordeal just to hire a few seasonal employees. If this is something you’re not looking forward to doing, Susan M. Heathfield, a contributor to The Balance, shares that you can use an employment or staffing agency to fill these vacancies for you. By taking this route, you leave the difficult job of actually finding qualified employees to someone else. This could help to free up more of your time and money to be actually working on your business.
If you know you’ll need to hire seasonal employees for your small business, use the tips mentioned above to help you do this in a seamless fashion.