Learning how to day trade is a great way to make more money on the side and potentially escape the cubicle rat race that envelopes much of the American population.
As an aspiring day trader, you need to learn how to use stock scanning software, how to read advanced charts and how to pick the right stocks and make the right trades. One way to do that is to spend years in the market, making and losing large sums of money while learning the ins and outs of day trading. That is a more glorious path. It is also a very dumb path.
Day trading education sites out there are quite capable of educating you in the hard knocks of the day trading life and at a much lower price point than going at it alone. You need to learn strategies like gap & go trading that will allow you to exploit stocks priced higher in the morning than they were at the close of trading on the prior day.
You need to really understand and absorb the lessons of risk management. Every time you hit enter and execute a trade, you need to have a plan. You need to know exactly how much profit you expect to make and how to get out right at that position. If not, you risk being stuck in a nosedive, losing those ghost profits and even more, as the stock falls back to earth. Timing is everything.
Finding the right stocks to trade can be tricky as well. The gap & go strategy, mentioned above, is an excellent way to make money, but you need to have more than one arrow in your quiver. Every day of trading is different, so you need to have plenty of techniques to fall back on in order to trade with confidence every day.
Understanding world markets and the various industry trends can help. Government decisions and new bills passed may have an effect on many stock prices. There are plenty of other factors that go into changing stock prices so it’s important that you learn to understand them all. For example, with the rise in public calls for the legalization of cannabis, it might so happen that different countries choose to legalize it, be it for medical use or recreational, or both. Such a momentous decision will definitely have an effect on stock prices, especially those involved with cannabis. Looking at guides like ‘Cannabis Aktien kaufen‘ (Buy cannabis stocks) or similar guides for other emerging market trends might help you analyze which stocks to invest in, when to buy, and when to sell, etc. Remember, however, that such trends are ever-changing, and each day (or even each hour) can be very different from the previous. So being constantly updated with market changes has to become a skill that you catch on to quickly.
If you learn the strategies from reputable interactive brokers, the risk management practices and spending time in a day trading chat room, absorbing the lessons and tips from veteran traders, well, then you are ready for paper trading. What is paper trading? It is trading in a simulated environment, with virtual currency. That gives you a chance to make mistakes and take your lumps in the regular market, without risking real money. That is an important training ground.
So, now you know how to day trade. Now you need to go out and try it for yourself. See if you can make enough to escape the rat race.
To learn more about how to day trade, follow Warrior Trading on Twitter to find out more information.