In today’s world, the fast pace of life can make for some stressful situations, to say the least. Deadlines are often inflexible, family life can get dysfunctional fast, and there is little time to rest and recollect one’s self in the hustle and bustle of the process.
Sometimes, this becomes too much to handle and even the CEOs, vice-presidents, and managers of a company can fall victim to alcohol and substance abuse. When it is an employee that is having these kinds of troubles, the process of recognizing and addressing the problem is easier and often responded to by company policy. However, below is a process to follow if it is the higher ups that need help instead.
Identify The Problem
As an employee in any business, you strive to do the best you can for your boss. You’re on time for work, rarely absent, meet your deadlines, and turn in quality jobs. However, your boss seems to be extremely hard to please, has regular moods swings, and is quite demeaning.
Does this mean he/she is struggling with an addiction? Not necessarily, but there are a few more signs you can look for, as well. Do you notice them nodding off while at their desk, or occasionally smelling like they haven’t bathed for a few days?
Have you caught them sneaking a drink in the bathroom or popping pills you know they don’t have a prescription for? One or more of these symptoms combined could mean that you have a higher up with an addiction issue.
Offer Help
There are a few things you can do to possibly help remedy the situation. If you are well enough acquainted with your boss, you can offer to assist him/her with finding help. There are several options for treatment that are discreet and can help your boss find his/her way back to sanity without the use of drugs or alcohol. There’s a good chance they will appreciate the assistance. There is not an addict alive who enjoys being trapped in the cycle of addiction or the consequences it carries.
Human Resources
A lot of times, our boss is not a personal friend of ours or we have not been associated with a company long enough to secure the “right” to confront them on such occasions. Sometimes, we are just too uncomfortable with the option of confrontation.
In this case, first you must remember that a drug or alcohol addiction can be a life or death situation. Your level of comfort should never outweigh the life of another. If you are uncomfortable approaching your boss, personally, seek the help of your Human Resources department. They can usually address the situation in ways you can’t anyway.
Protect Yourself
After all is said and done, if you have done everything you know to do and the addicted boss is still employed with no attempts to seek help in sight, it might be a good idea to begin looking for another job.
If management doesn’t seek help and continues to be belligerent and demeaning to employees, it will not only lower the productivity and morale of the whole business, but will damage you emotionally, mentally, and eventually physically. Protect yourself.
Alcohol and substance abuse are not just the problem of the employee. Addiction is a non-discriminant attacker. Be the help for your boss, with these tips, that they would be for you in the same situation.